Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ta Biblia

Ta Biblia 2014

Gravity, density, and mass, are principals of physics that do not require full knowledge or mathematical understanding to experience. They are general laws of nature that every person is aware of – ever present and undeniable. The surface beauty of this omnipresent brooding power is in the universal nature of the laws, but a deeper poetic beauty is found in the tension and dialogue of their relationships (both law to law relationships and law to man). Further study can then reveal deeper connection and greater reward. I would like to think of my work as functioning in a similar manner – an obvious surface beauty with depths of layered poetics. The intended entrance into my work is through formal means. Come into it as you are. Feel the presence. Read the face value. Be moved or unmoved. But if moved, linger there to find layers of poetry within natural laws.

Blank black pages accumulate into thick bulky books. The 66 books amass into a staggering pile that overwhelms the concrete plinth. The nearly immovable concrete slabs command presence and testify to the weight of the books. Black warmth from tar pages brings attention to cold concrete slabs. Ta Biblia, literally translating to the books, is the greek phrase from which the modern english word bible is derived from. With the very specific number of 66 books, the work engages and questions the lines of divinity inherent in the canonizing process of the evangelical protestant bible. Amassing well over 2,000 pounds, Ta Biblia imposes its questions with an unbearable weight.  

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